Tajikistan sightseeing. Travel guide - attractions, sights, nature and touristic places

By taking a brief look at the map of Tajikistan, it might seem that a vacation here is only about mountain activities. It is easy to think so because …
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1. Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan, and Tajik is the national language. Almost everyone can speak Russian. 2. Somoni is the national currency …
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Tourists who plan to visit Tajikistan with children usually ask the following two questions: 1 – is there suitable infrastructure to stay and have …
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Tajikistan is a mountain country in Central Asia. The Pamir Mountains occupy a large part of the country’s territory. Somoni is the national …
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Tajikistan is a southern latitude country, nevertheless, winter months often bring cold weather and snow. This makes everyone wait for spring …
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Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Tajikistan
Famous and uniques places in Tajikistan from our review series
Karakul Crater
From the series “Largest Meteorite Craters on Earth”
It was possible to discover this unique geological formation only thanks to satellite images. That significant event happened a few years ago. Another interesting feature is a lake of about 25 km in diameter filling the crater. The area around the water attracts scientists. Other parts of the structure are completely deserted.
Certain types of plants, including a feather grass and a wormwood, grow along the lake. You can … Read all
Yashilkul Lake
From the series “The Highest Mountain Lakes of the Planet”
Because of the strong landslide, Alichur Bergfluss was sealed off. Gradually, the lake has become quite large because of the active glacier melting. The glaciers have been feeding the lake for more than seven centuries. From Yashilkul comes the great Gunt River. Literally 'Yashilkul' can be translated from … Read all
Lake Sarez
From the series “The Highest Mountain Lakes of the Planet”
During the collapsion some mountain villages were completely destroyed and the Usoi dam - the natural dam with the height of 567 meters - was formed. The lake formed as a result of the fall was named in honor of the destroyed mountain village of Sares. A few years after the formation, the lake remained stagnant. Then the source has formed in the natural causeway. For more than a century, the water from the glaciers flows constantly into … Read all

Sightseeing in popular cities of Tajikistan
According to the official historical records, Dushanbe was founded in the 17th century. At that time, there was a kishlak on the site of the city. This kishlak had the same name as the modern capital of Tajikistan. This was a small settlement that emerged on the crossing of trading routes. Every Monday, a big and quite noisy bazaar opened in the kishlak. Perhaps, this is the reason why the settlement got its name. Until 1917, the settlement was a part of East Bukhara. At that time, this was a … Read more

According to historical data, the city existed yet during the ancient times of the Achaemenid Empire. When Alexander the Great captured this ancient land, he decided to protect his new territory better and renamed the existing settlement to Alexandria Eschate. In the 13th century, the army of Genghis Khan completely destroyed the city. However, Khujand rose from ashes and became a prosperous city again because of its strategic location at the crossing of trading routes. In May 1866, Russian … Read more

The first settlement on the site of modern Istaravshan appeared yet in the 6th century BC. That settlement had another name – Kiropol, also known as Kireskhata and Kurushada. Many scientists think that Persian king Kir was the founder of the city. When Alexander the Great invaded Central Asia he had troubles capturing Kiropol because the city had a sophisticated protection system. The conqueror had to think of a tricky plan to get the city. Although Alexander succeeded in doing that, local … Read more