Detailed hi-res maps of Kalimantan Island for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Kalimantan Island map are 3687 X 2645 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 1094059. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Kalimantan Island by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
City tours, excursions and tickets in Kalimantan Island and surroundings
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Our guide chapters over Kalimantan Island
Kalimantan Island for children - what to visit
As in any other resort areas, on any more or less popular Borneo beach you will find water slides, “banana”, and trampolines. If your child is old enough, he can learn diving. There are some good training centers in Kalimantan, which give international certificates and have many places to dive for the beginners. If a child is too little, you can take him to the playroom that many hotels have. But the main … Open
Shopping, streets and outlets
Do you want to bring back home a diamond? No problem there, just remember a few things you need to keep in mind while talking with a seller. First of all – always wrangle. For Indonesians, as well, as for other Asian countries, bargaining is something of a true art. People enjoy the process itself, and no one will tell you the real price from the beginning. Note, that it will be a mistake, to immediately name … Open
Travel guide to Kalimantan Island
Kalimantan is a true paradise for fans of active recreation. For this group of travelers, Bukit Raya Mountain is one of the main landmarks of the region. For local people, the mountain has been a sacred object for thousands of years. The height of this mountain is more than 2,000 meters. According to ancient legends, an army of spirits lives on the top of the mountain. There are many interesting hiking trails on the … Open
Traditions and mentality of Kalimantan Island
The ancient religion of the Dayak people tells to have a Tatau Lale ceremony during a funeral. It is believed, that without the help of the living, the soul of the dead is doomed to a bleak afterlife. That’s why the locals cut a mahogany Sapundu figure, which represents the one, who passed away. There are no rules in creating this symbol, it just should look good. Before the Sapundu they sacrifice animals … Open
Cuisine and top restaurants
It is important to remember, that people here like spicy food. Local chefs like different sauces, adding them generously to any dish, and if a sauce is spicy, it’s even better. You may try here locusts, shark fins, and a swallow nest in bullion. However, those delicacies are mostly imported from China, though, it doesn’t make them any less delicious. But it is for you to decide, whether to taste them … Open
Attractions and active leisure
If you have never been diving before, but you want to try, you can attend a training at one of the diving schools in Kalimantan and get an international diving license. If you have no desire to learn all the diving nuances, you may try snorkeling. Due to the water transparency, you will perfectly see the underwater world inhabitants. Some of the best snorkeling places on the island are Sangalaki, Kakaban, and … Open