National traditions of Iceland. Habits, mentality and the way of living
Icelanders are a nation that knows how to survive in quite severe environmental conditions. Due to the severity of the cold island country, its inhabitants use natural resources economically and wisely. Icelandic traditions have absorbed paganism and Christianity to become a completely unique culture. Icelandic remains the national language of Iceland, but most of the locals are fluent in English. About 80% of Icelanders are Lutherans, about 5% are pagans. Everyone without exception is entitled to medical care. Up to 36% of children in Iceland are born out of wedlock - this phenomenon has long become the norm. There are many couples who have been living together as spouses without formal marriage for years, which is also considered perfectly normal.
Relatively small Iceland has an incredible number of interesting places that must be visited by every tourist interested in the history and culture of …
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In Iceland, vibrant nightlife is concentrated in clubs and bars, which can be found not only in the capital. Cozy R5 Bar in Akureyri, the “northern …
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The literature, which Icelanders are proud of, has retained a richness of traditions and customs in sagas - they have been first written only since the 14th century. Through these literary works, you can get acquainted with the history and culture of Iceland and better understand the Icelandic mentality. It is important to remember that Icelanders do not have surnames, therefore it is customary here to address each other by their first names, even in a formal setting. Instead of surnames, Icelanders still use patronyms and matronyms. And the ending depends on the person's gender: this is "-sson" for men and "-dottir" for women. Some Icelanders, however, have surnames chosen on their own or inherited from a foreign parent.
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