Maps of Iceland
The actual dimensions of the Iceland map are 2464 X 1684 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 528952. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of Iceland.
The actual dimensions of the Iceland map are 2000 X 1247 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 564682. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of Iceland.
Maps of cities and regions of Iceland
Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Iceland
Aura of Iceland in photographs
Traditions in Iceland
A great number of worldwide festivals are organized in the capital of Iceland. Tourists will have a chance to visit various gastronomical and cultural establishments and take part in various holidays and fests, which always attract foreign guests’ attention. The most interesting and famous festival is Food&Fun holiday, which is popular even in other countries. The most famous cooks of the world participate in this festival, treating festival guests with new dishes and original treats and … Read more

While walking around Keflavik, you can notice are a lot of shops selling knitwear and yarn. Knitting remains one of the favorite hobbies among locals. Moreover, not only women but also men love and know how to knit. Such an interesting national feature is explained by the fact that the region has very long and dark winters. To spend evening hours with benefit, locals knit warm clothes from sheep's wool for themselves and loved ones. Sweaters and hats made from the wool of local production … Read more