Among active Hawaiian volcanoes Mauna Loa is the most notable; its height is 4,169 meters. Continual monitoring of its activity is conducted since 1912. Currently there is the large Volcano Observatory on the island. Over the past hundred years there have been two major eruptions, one of which occurred in 1950, and another one - in 1984.
Literally the name of Hawaiian volcano can be translated as ‘Long Mountain,’ as by volume, which is about 80,000 cubic kilometers, it’s really is one of world’s leaders. This shield volcano is also notable due to its impressive age, which, according to scientists, could be about a million years. For many years, it has been hidden under a layer of ocean water and has emerged on the surface about 400,000 years ago.
One of the first explorers who ventured to climb Mauna Loa was Archibald Menzies; that significant event happened in 1794. Hiking along the slopes of the volcano is extremely popular among tourists, the main purpose of walks is crater. Its diameter at its widest point is about 5 kilometers. A huge lake situated in the crater looks very calm and peaceful. Scientists can only guess when this harmony would be disturbed and Mauna Loa would destroy all the life on its slopes.
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