Travelers should definitely not forget to make a walk through the Old Town district, the territory of which is home to numerous historical sights. The local town hall is the oldest building of Wiesbaden. It was built yet in 1610. The last large-scale reconstruction of the town hall took place in the first half of the 19th century, but not all the elements of the original building were changed. The town hall has retained the portal of the external staircase and beautiful reliefs on the facade made of sandstone from the original building.
The beautiful building of the New Town Hall is located just a few steps away. This construction can safely be called a perfect example of Renaissance. The building of the New town hall was started in 1884 and lasted more than three years. The building was almost completely destroyed during the Second World War, but thanks to the efforts of experienced architects it was restored in full accordance with the original project. Wilhelmstrasse Street is considered the cultural center of Wiesbaden. It is home to numerous cultural institutions, museums and art galleries. You will also find several architectural attractions here. Tourists are usually recommended to visit the famous Clementine Villa.
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