Every year in the middle of August Wiesbaden hosts the world-famous wine festival - Rheingau Wine Festival. The festival traditionally attracts fans of this drink from all over the world. During ten days the city hosts many interesting events, exhibitions, workshops and fairs. Each year the festival is visited by more than one hundred thousand foreign tourists. The tradition of celebrating the holiday of wine appeared more than thirty years ago. It should be noted that Rheingau Wine Festival is the longest event of its kind. The festival's program is very rich and diverse.
Guests of the city are invited to participate in fascinating tours to most famous local wineries. Each winery of the city has its own cellars and wine shops, where you can taste the drink and buy a bottle of quality wine as a memorable gift. During an excursion visitors will find out a lot of interesting information about the secrets of wine making and experienced staff will give several tips on choosing a high quality beverage.
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