Do not forget to leave tips in local restaurants and cafes. There is even a system of calculating tips. For example, when the amount of the bill is less than 5 euros, you should round it up to a full euro. In case your bill is more than 5 euro, the amount of tips is 5 - 7% of the total bill.
You can also leave a tip to taxi drivers. The size of reward will depend on the total cost of services. As a rule, a tip of 2 - 3 euros will be enough.
Bicycle remains one of the most popular forms of public transport. You can rent it in one of numerous rental agencies.
In order to rent a car you will need a driver's license of international standard and a credit card with the required amount of collateral in the account. Motorists whose driving experience is less than a year, as well as people under 21 years may be rejected to rent a car.
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