Only central streets of the city are safe and sound for night tours meanwhile the remote areas of the city should be explored only in the daytime and only with a guide. Setting off to the city exploration one should not keep valuables by oneself without any need.
In public places one should be cautious and beware of pickpockets who are the main problem of the city. Railway stations, airport, in restaurants and shopping centers are those places to keep an eye on begs and overcoats.
The best place to hunt some memorable gifts and souvenirs is one of the local markets as these offer a vast choice of goods at prices which are considerably lower than these in large stores. Bargaining is a must at the markets as this helps to reduce a price for desired goods by 10 – 15%.
The optimum way to pay for goods and services is national currency though large stores and restaurants accept US dollars and Euro apart from national hrivna. Currency can be exchanged in one of the local banks or in private exchange offices which are located on the premises of the airport and railway station.
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