The most advantageous way to pay for your purchases is to use the national currency. Some shops of restaurants may accept euros and the U.S. dollars, but at an extremely disadvantageous rate. You can exchange money at a bank or in one of currency exchange offices. Please keep in mind that the closer an exchange office is located to a hotel, the less favorable rate and conditions of exchange it will provide.
Tips are not officially accepted in restaurants and cafes, but if you want to thank a helpful waiters, feel free to leave a small monetary reward. The tip of 5 - 10% of the total order will be enough. Visitors can also round off the amount indicated in the bill in a big way to any convenient sum.
Locals are very friendly and welcoming. Feel free to ask them for help in case you need it. There is a simple way to please indigenous people - to learn a few phrases in their native language.
Line power supply voltage is 220V. Make sure you check all electrical appliances that you plan to take to the trip before you leave. In case you need some adapters and connectors, you can find them in specialty stores.
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