If you get tired of all these ancient buildings, go to the New Town (it's to the east of the old one). Being in the New Town you can't, but notice Freedom Avenue (the large pedestrian zone with lots of shops that lie along it). There also takes place St. Michael's Church that faces the Freedom Square. Another interesting place is the Mykolas Žilinskas Art Museum. There one can enjoy the best art collection in Baltic.
The A. Žmuidzinavičius Art Museum (or as it's also called the Devil's Museum) is worth visiting too. There they keep a great number of statues of devil. One of the most shocking exhibits is the Hitler and Stalin that are shaking a wicked calf over a pile of Lithuanian craniums. The Pažaislis monastery of the 16th century and Resurrection church (the tallest one in the country) are also very curious places.
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