Local people are very hard-working. This character trait has even found its reflection in the folk art. Most of the songs are devoted to work and labor. Even fairy tales and legends tell stories about brave and hard-working heroes. There are special literature classes in schools, during which children learn ancient myths and fairy tales, so even small kids are familiar with national folklore. Many national holidays are connected with various religious traditions. One of such holidays and one of the most popular festivals in the city is called Uzgavenes. This holiday also marks the beginning of Lent.
This colorful carnival is particularly loved by children, because delicious pancakes and sweets are the main treat of this wonderful event. The carnival is held on the last days of February. Saying “goodbye” to winter is always accompanied by parades, musical performances and funny activities for children. Collective performances remain one of the main features of local culture. Performances of choirs and various dance groups during holidays and celebrations have become a tradition.
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