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Netherlands Antilles

Religions and languages in Netherlands Antilles

The Antilles has a total population of more than three hundred thousand people. At the same time, statistics show that about 90 percent of the total number of citizens today professes Catholicism. It is worth noting that religion in the country as a whole is not approached with a fanatical attitude. However, local self-government councils accorded many religious holidays the status of state holidays. Churches, Temples and Monasteries on the islands are not so many. Nevertheless, one in every two Catholic believer goes to the sanctuary on major religious holiday. Children are taught from birth all the basic traditions and beliefs of Catholicism which includes reciting prayers before eating, taking the holy communion and even going for confession before a priest. The latter although is less popular on the Antilles.
The main attraction of the Netherlands Antilles is its amazing nature. This feature is peculiar for every island in this state. Most tourists who come …
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Please note that the so-called Conference of Catholic Bishops of the Antilles functions on the territory of the islands. This is a special monitoring body which belongs to the church and the administrative management of the Catholic Church of Rome. This religious structure was entrusted with various pastoral functions. They are aimed at solving specific problems in liturgical service and liturgies. They are considered by the body and various disciplinary committees on everyday issues. However, it should be noted that the Conference of Catholic Bishops of the Antilles cannot singlehandedly take decisions. In any case, all projects adopted or approved by this structure must be personally approved and certified by the acting Pope of Rome.
About eight percent of the citizens of the Antilles consider themselves Protestants. A few centuries ago, there were much more Protestants on this territory. However, over time the development of religion in the country was influenced by her accession into the European Union. At the same time, Protestants zealously preserve their traditions and try to convey the importance of their faith to the future generation. On the islands, a total of less than two percent of the entire population of the country profess other religions such as Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and even Confucianism. Thus, there are no confrontations between the holy faiths in the country. According to the legislation of the Antilles, every citizen has the right to become a member of any of the existing faiths or religious sects. Copyright
The climate in the Antilles is tropical and marine in its best manifestation. All year round, the weather here is warm and relaxing. The seasons are …
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The kingdom was approved to designate the Dutch language as the official language for the territory of all the Antilles at the legislative level. It is in this language that; official printed publications are published, signboards and signposts are set up, official documents are signed and compiled, and education is conducted in schools and higher educational institutions. However, quite a lot of locals have the right to also use the English language on an official level. Most of the local population communicates in their everyday life by using their unique dialect called Papiamento. This language was somehow transformed from the Creole. In its very basis lies the Ibero-Romance dialect. Over time, the Papiamento dialect continued to develop and it was influenced by languages ​​such as English, African, Arawak and even Spanish (Venezuelan).
Willemstad, Curacao The local people themselves claim that it is the second form of the Papiamento historical language that is used in the Antilles. A more original and pure language can be heard on Aruba. The differences between the two forms are insignificant; with the exception of just the sounding and pronunciation of words. They are also a little different in their spelling system. In addition, there is also a place for a variety of lexical intonations. The modern Papiamento language contains at least 25 percent of Dutch words in its dictionary. In some regions, you can catch a radio wave which is broadcasted in Papiamento. In Curaçao, you will find that even one of the official newspapers is printed in this dialect weekly.
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Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Netherlands Antilles

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Traditions in Netherlands Antilles cities

The local cuisine is just as rich and multifaceted as the culture of Willemstad. A diet consists mainly of fish, tropical fruits, vegetables, cheese. Fans of exotic food must try such dishes as iguana meat, "Kadushi" (cactus soup), "Sopi Kami Piska" (soup of meat or fish with banana or cereal), "Sopi di Piska" (fish soup with coconut milk). Well, those who prefer more traditional dishes will like boiled shrimps with greens, “Keshi Yena” (baked mixed meats, cheese with spices), … Read more
Saint Martin
Participants of the festival are offered to attend colorful music and dance performances, as well as devote time to a variety of entertainment. A much longer and more amazing is the Holland Festival, which is celebrated in honor of the birth of Queen of the Netherlands. Festival lasts for 17 days and is accompanied by an abundance of unique rituals. An integral part of the festival is competitions, which brings together the best performers of calypso. Winning the competition is very … Read more
Strolling through local markets and souvenir shops, visitors can see a lot of interesting crafts, colorful fabrics and souvenirs. At first glance, they may resemble children's crafts, and there is a grain of truth in this association. The inherent ‘childishness’ of the local craft is due to the fact that original manufacturers were younger family members. While the parents were working on plantations, children were making colorful souvenirs to sell them later and to contribute to the … Read more
You can witness lush festive parades in honor of the Queen’s birthday. On this day, the island is possessed by the real dance extravaganza. Bonaire welcomes dance and music bands from the entire archipelago. The colorful performances are held right in the city streets. Bonaire is one of the most favorite Caribbean islands of fans of water sports. It attracts many divers and surfers. The Dive Festival lasting for seven days, at least, is annually held in June. In October, a very … Read more

Netherlands Antilles: traditions in the regions

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