National economy of Netherlands Antilles - industries, GDP and prosperity level
The Antilles are considered to be a fairly developed country. Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is about seventeen thousand dollars. As regards purchasing power, GDP is about 3 billion according to estimates for the year 2014. This gives the Antilles the right to occupy 162nd place in the world ranking. The real growth rate of the GDP reaches one percent annually (roughly placing her in the seventieth place in the world ranking of successful countries). According to data for 2014, the country’s GDP amounted to about three billion dollars. Of this amount, Agriculture accounted for less than one percent. On the other hand, revenues from the service sector accounted for more than 80 percent. Industry accounts for at least fifteen percent.
In accordance with the Statute of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Antilles is the official partner country of the Netherlands within this kingdom. The …
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The Antilles has a total population of more than three hundred thousand people. At the same time, statistics show that about 90 percent of the total …
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The main areas of industry are the ship repairing and light industry. A significant contribution to the economy is made by processing and transportation of petroleum and its derivative products. In recent years, the internal policy of the Antilles has been aimed at the maintenance and development of industry in order to strengthen the economic structure. The external debt of the country is about two and a half billion dollars. The unemployment rate as of 2016 is about 17%. It should be noted that there is a slow growth dynamics of these indicators. Most persons of working age are engaged in the service sectors. Less than one percent of citizens are involved in agriculture and about twenty percent of the citizenry work in the industrial sector.
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Expo 2020 in Dubai Was Visited by More Than 7 Million Visitors
If you haven’t visited this event yet, there is still time to book a hotel in Dubai because Expo 2020 Dubai runs until 31 March 2022. People who are unable to visit the emirate can make a virtual tour on the Expo 2020 website. By the way, the virtual visitation has already reached 31.6 million by the end of December. Read this
If you haven’t visited this event yet, there is still time to book a hotel in Dubai because Expo 2020 Dubai runs until 31 March 2022. People who are unable to visit the emirate can make a virtual tour on the Expo 2020 website. By the way, the virtual visitation has already reached 31.6 million by the end of December. Read this