Travel ideas for Bolivia - unique sights, worth Guinness records
North Yungas Road
From the series “Most Spectacular Mountain Roads”
According to statistics, about 30 serious accidents happens on the track every year. From 100 to 200 people die on the road annually since its opening. Very often accidents happen with tourist buses and trucks, who simply cannot safely overcome the narrow track sections and slide off the precipice. The first mountain road in these places was built over 80 years ago. Thousands of Paraguayan prisoners have been involved in this work. Over the years the track has not changed much. In many areas there is still no asphalt coating, the warning signs are still out of the question.
The trail starts at an altitude of 330 meters above sea level and gradually rises to an altitude of 3600 km. By an unspoken rule the advantage have those vehicles that climb the hill. In 1995 the Death road has been recognized as the most dangerous one in the world. Travellers who’re planning to ride by car should take into consideration that a significant portion of the transport stream is massive trucks and buses. Numerous cyclists also complicate the situation. Inexperienced drivers are not recommended to set out in the rain. ... Complete sights collection
Titicaca Lake
From the series “The Highest Mountain Lakes of the Planet”
To understand the meaning of this name, you have to look at the lake from the bird's perspective. Its outlines really remind you of the silhouette of the puma. Titicaca has been attracting numerous explorers and explorers for several years. Many tourists visit this area to enjoy the unique nature. The others are drawn from the mysterious legends about the Inkashatz. According to ancient legends, Inkas have hidden more than 2 tons of gold on the lake floor. Until now, the researchers have found no material confirmation of the beautiful legend.
The scientists have found that the lake was part of the ocean millions of years ago. In the course of the tectonic changes a part of the ocean was literally lifted to the height of 3 750 meters. This theory of the formation of the high mountain lake gives the new reasons for further archaeological research. In 2000 the divers discovered a part of the ancient stone wall and the pavement, as well as the parts of the sculptures and the huge stone terrace on the lake floor. According to the preliminary version, these elements belonged to the mythical Vanaku city. ... Complete sights collection
Salar de Uyuni
From the series “The Most Surrealistic Places of the Earth”
The border between the salt lake and the horizon is literally invisible in this period. In the middle of the desert level one can completely lose the sense of reality. The scientists believe that Salar de Uyuni has formed more than 10 million years ago when the ocean began to fade from the mainland. The at first sight lifeless salt lake has many secrets. It has been used for many years as a favorite home of graceful pink flamingos. For some decades now the salt has been won, which is used for industrial and construction purposes.
Within easy reach of the plain were the cozy hotels built for the numerous tourists. The salt blocks served as the main construction material for the erection of them. Staying at such hotels will be memorable. This creates the special microclimate, which promotes the effective prophylaxis of respiratory diseases and the strengthening of the immune system. The first hotel in Salar de Uyuni has received the guests in 1995. Since then, the unique natural sight remains very popular with the followers of active and unusual recreation. ... Complete sights collection
Islands on Lake Titicaca
From the series “Nooks and Villages That Are More Colorful Than Top Touristic Destinations”
Uros Indians began to build artificial islands on the lake in the prehistoric era, during the war against the Incas. Hostile Inca drove them from the land. Eventually, Uros adapted to the harsh life and came to a quite successful and comfortable existence. Even now, they don’t agree to change their place to another environment. Indians built amazing islands of dried reeds; that’s also the main building material in the construction of houses.
As many hundreds of years ago, the main activities of aborigines are hunting and fishing. Surprisingly, in such harsh conditions, they are engaged in some simple forms of agriculture. Many islands of Uros Indians are available for tourists to visit. However, not that many travelers manage to get to the most remote and authentic islands. This can be done only if accompanied by an experienced guide. An acquaintance with craft traditions of the indigenous inhabitants of Lake Titicaca will be incredibly amazing. ... Complete sights collection
Ancient City of Sucre
From the series “Famous Unesco Sites in South America”
At that time, active development of silver mines was held close to the city. Many local residents have invested all their money in the construction of luxurious palaces. During that period, the most magnificent churches and monasteries were built. Their grand decoration continues to fascinate even these days. The Sucre Cathedral stands among the main attractions of the city. That's one of the largest and most imposing structures here.
One of the most unusual monuments is the building of the Supreme Court. It is surrounded by a picturesque landscaped garden with a variety of sculptures. The church of La Merced and the monastery of La Recoleta are noteworthy among the religious monuments. The prefectural Chuquisaca Department stands out of business facilities. Each historical building in the city of Sucre is a unique monument of the architecture. All of the buildings were constructed in a unique style with special architectural elements. The Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Theatre, which was built in the early 20th century, stands out among the more recent historical monuments. ... Complete sights collection
Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
From the series “Famous Unesco Sites in South America”
There is the Guapore River, whose channel structure includes several beautiful waterfalls. This river is home to over 250 species of fish, 25 of which are found nowhere else in the world. The largest waterfall in the park is called Arcoiris. Its height is about 50 meters. It's very pleasant to enjoy this waterfall on a sunny day, when the rainbow is formed upon it. One of the first researchers who visited these amazing natural places, was the British traveler Percival Harrison Fawcett. He began to investigate this land in 1908. Unusual rocky landforms and pristine rainforests have attracted scientists there.
The territory occupied by the Park Noel Kempff Mercado National Park can be called truly unique. It almost hasn't been influenced by man during the last two thousand years. Even today, tours around the park are carried out only accompanied by trained guides who care for preserving unique flora and fauna. While walking around the park it's very convenient to watch birds. More than 600 species live here, and a number of plants' varieties is more than 4 000. ... Complete sights collection
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In the immediate vicinity of the city, there is a unique natural area known as Moon Valley. In these places you can walk among the real lunar landscapes, the area is absolutely deserted, its main decorations are bizarre stone formations. Researchers believe that volcanic activity contributed to the formation of this extraterrestrial valley millions of years ago. Some stone formations look pretty harmonious, many natural sculptures even got names. Fans of more unusual entertainment should … Read more