Preparing your trip to Hurghada: advices & hints - things to do and to obey

2. Mains voltage is 220 V; there are standard European-style sockets in all local hotels. If necessary, you can ask for an adapter in a hotel or buy it at any specialty store.
3. Tourists are advised to use only bottled water to drink. Delta water is noteworthy because of its quality and taste characteristics. You can buy drinking water in any grocery store and supermarket. Holiday makers aren’t recommended to drink cocktails with ice.
4. You may pay for goods and services with national currency, but many restaurants and shops accept U.S. dollars and euros. Tourists who expect to devote a lot of time to shopping trips are recommended to have several types of currencies.
6. Fans of nightlife should note that there is an admission fee in most of the local discos. However, during their stay visitors can order drinks at the bar for free, as latter are prepaid with an entrance fee.
7. There are numerous car rental facilities. For the paperwork you need a driver's license of international standard and a credit card with the desired amount of deposit on the account. Those under 25 years of age and drivers with less than a year of driving experience may be denied service.
The city named Hurghada is located in the area that is generously warmed by sunlight all year round. During the coldest month (February), the water near the coast cools down to 18C - 20C. In …

Preparing your trip to Hurghada: advices & hints - things to do and to obey You can re-publish this content with mandatory attribution: direct and active hyperlink to
City tours, excursions and tickets in Hurghada and surroundings
Egypt: travelling advices

15. There is poisonous fish in the sea, so do not touch anything with your hands while swimming. After swimming, take a shower and wash your hands with soap.
16. Usually, tourists need to pay for help to come down from the camel's back.
17. Avoid drinking tap water - it is not of the best quality and may lead to stomach upset. … Open

Photos of Hurghada
Services search (pharmacy, police, parking, banks) on Hurghada map