The ancient Vikings' city of Oslo is rich not only with natural beauties, but also with numerous traditions, customs, and beliefs. Norwegian society in general - is a set of quiet and hard-working couch potatoes, so the massive celebrations in the capital are rare phenomena. Instead, local people amicably and with pleasure are engaged in all kinds of winter sports. Moreover, residents really enjoy small frequent travels. Despite all the worries and harsh climate, families together with kids and pets choose the next direction for vacation.
Norwegian people possess a restrained and calm nature; they are not inclined to the cult of fancy, beautiful clothes or exclusive food. Traditional Christmas dishes are cooked according to family recipes, which have got from great-grandmother; the range of clothes and accessories does not shine with variety. The only exception in the ascetic way of life of the northern people is ice cream. The passion for this dairy delicacy spread from the capital to a tiny village beyond the Arctic Circle.
In Oslo, people like the American lifestyle, which is expressed in the negligent style of clothes, love for fast food and even accent. Locals prefer to spend weekends noisy and with fun, respect high-quality alcoholic beverages, and casual communication. High career ambitions and education - on weekends it all makes sense for Norwegians who want to have a good time.
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