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Airline Tickets from Verona

TRAVEL GUIDE: Verona, italy
Airport Information: Verona, Italy - Verona

General Info

Verona Airport, Italy, Aeroporto Valerio Catullo, I-37060 Caselle di Sommacampagna (VR), ITALY
Tel: +39 045 809 5666, (Cargo) +39 045 809 5801
Fax: +39 045 861 9074
Email: achiamenti@aeroportoverona.it

Information and Customer Care Desks


Available Facilities and Services


Car Parking Info


Driving by car from/to Verona


Public Transportation from/to Verona


Verona city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Verona panorama - popular sightseeings in Verona Verona is located in the Veneto area in the north of Italy, not far away from one of the country's most beautiful lakes -- Lake Garda. North and east of the city, there are Vapolicela and Soave districts, renowned for their wine-making traditions and hilly landscapes.

Not only is Verona famous for its grand Amphitheater. Every year, opera performers and connoisseurs from around the world gather in Verona for its annual summer opera festival. There is a unique Romanesque church and a wonderful Renaissance garden.

More about Verona in our City Guide ...


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OrangeSmile.com reservation system provides online search and reservation facilities to book cheap airline tickets from the airport 'Verona, Italy - Verona'. The complete range of flying classes is provided: budget economy class, business class and first class. The last-minute air tickets with discounts from Verona are also available. Our database includes all the special offers, deals and hot rates provided by the airlines. Compare the airticket rates from Verona for all airlines and book the best option. Book your flight ticket for a business or vacation trip from the airport 'Verona, Italy - Verona' online.