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Tour & Travel Packages to Verona

Verona city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Verona city - places to visit in Verona Shakespeare is not the only literary association that surrounds the city. In the early 14th century, Dante Alighieri, the author of the Divine Comedy, found refuge in Verona (his hometown was Florence), enjoying the protection of the noble lord Can Grande della Scala. Today, there is a statue of the poet in Piazza dei Signori, exactly where Can Grande's residence was situated. It is not uncommon for locals to call the square 'Piazza Dante.

The River Adige washes The Old Town from the west, north and east, and this is what's most unique about this place. The Old Town is the district where the city's cultural life is most active. This is a must-see place for everyone arriving in Verona. Here you can also find posh shops, night clubs and restaurants offering exclusive fish and seafood menus. However, the Veronese food serving tradition is centered on dishes that contain boiled meat, which is an inalienable component. Some meals include horse meat.

Read more about Verona in our City Guide ...


Verona Airport Data

Verona Airport, Italy, Aeroporto Valerio Catullo, I-37060 Caselle di Sommacampagna (VR), ITALY
Tel: +39 045 809 5666, (Cargo) +39 045 809 5801
Fax: +39 045 861 9074

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