The most waited event of the cultural life in Sao Paulo is still a carnival which is thoroughly prepared through the whole year. By its scale and staginess the carnival equals the globally renowned Rio Carnival. Thousands of tourists visit the destination to observe breathtaking performances of the best dancers. The carnival engages the best dance masters of local samba schools preparing to the festive dance march all the year round.
Bright costumes of the participants of the march are objects of admiration of the festival guests. The suits are jeweled with thousands of shining gems and bright scraps of all colors of the rainbows. It should be noted that for the last decades the Sao Paulo Carnival has sufficiently changed. Today this scale event is focused primarily on tourists. The event features plenty of amazing shows and entertainment programs, loud music and numerous amusements.
Many tourists associate the city of Sao Paulo first and foremost with the Carnival that is why many ethnic fests and celebrations may seem to foreign tourists rather uncommon. Each year the city of Sao Paulo witnesses another great holiday which is the Festival of Pizza. This Neapolitan treat being a globally known and popular all over the world dish has become one of the most favorite treats among local folks. Approximately almost a million of pizzas are eaten annually by local residents. The Festival of Pizza was first celebrated twenty years ago.
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