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Tour & Travel Packages to Munich

Munich city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Munich city - places to visit in Munich Munich is famous all over the world for its Oktoberfest. Every autumn it's carried out at Theresienwiese Square, but Munich can offer you something more than good beer, traditional pretzels and girls in national costumes. Munich can boast of many good museums, the most famous of which are: the Deutsches Museum, the National Prehistoric Collection, The State Museum of Ethnology, the Old Pinakotheka and the Munich City Museum.

The Deutsches Museum. The enormous Deutsches Museum is situated on the Museum island on the Isar River. It's devoted to the various aspects of science, engineering and transport. The museum is so large that you'll hardly manage to examine it all at once. The most interesting is the section of miniatures, the planetarium and the new transport section.

The Old Pinacotheka is the biggest and the oldest museum in Munich. It was built in the 19th century by the order of Grand Duke Louis I, so as to keep there all the paintings that belonged to him. At present day the great collection of works by the masters of the 14th – 17th centuries is exhibited there.

Despite the status of a big city, Munich has quite a lot of green zones, squares and parks. From the centre to the northern outskirts takes place the world-famous English Garden. It's one of the most favorite sights of Munich. The Olympic Park is also of great popularity. It attracts the visitors by the numerous lakes and the marvelous view on the city. Surely, one of the most interesting places is the Nymphenburg Park, where takes place the marvelous palace. The favorite place for swimming and barbeque is the Izauren Park. If you want to have a walk and to rest from the business of the city, you'd better choose the Westpark, various botanical gardens, the park 'Deer's garden' or the Court Garden.

Munich is just a splendid place for those, who like shopping. The widest market street of Munich is surely Maximilianstrasse. Though even far from the fabulous boutiques and stylish shopping malls, one can find a lot of shop that are eager to sell you almost everything in the world. What concerns the cuisine, Munich can offer you traditional food from practically all corners of the world. The capital of Bavaria is famous for its veal sausages, pretzels, various sorts of beer and, of course, its friendly citizens.

Read more about Munich in our City Guide ...


Munich Airport Data

Airport Address: The Munich Airport Centre (MAC) connects Terminal 1 with Terminal 2.
Distance and Location: The airport is located 28km (18 miles) northeast of Munich
Airport Website:
Airport E-mail: or via the airport's website
Airport Telephone: (0)89 97500 or 9752 1313 (flight information)
Country Code: 49
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 2

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