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Tour & Travel Packages to Napoli

Napoli city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Napoli city - places to visit in Napoli From then on Naples encountered lots of social problems that influenced its reputation and now the description of the city hardly goes without such words as 'poor', 'dirty' and 'criminal'.

However, the city is trying to recover its popularity as the essential tourist destination (as it was 3 centuries ago actually) and attract visitors interested in its enormous cultural heritage. Almost 15 years ago UNESCO awarded to the historic center of Naples the status of a World Heritage Site and more and more travelers long to dive into the city's vigorous, turbulent and sometimes wild atmosphere.

The sophisticated history of Naples has greatly contributed to it's current cultural attractiveness and stunning must-sees. All these facts, to say nothing about its diverse cuisine offering you a wide range of dishes form pizza to seafood make Naples a real Mediterranean gem.

Read more about Napoli in our City Guide ...


Napoli Airport Data

Airport Address: Naples International Airport, Via del Riposo 95, 80144 Naples, Italy
Distance and Location: The airport is situated 7km (4 miles) northeast of Naples
Airport Website:
Airport E-mail: or
Airport Telephone: (0)81 789 6111 or 789 6259
Country Code: 39
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 2
Moving between Terminals: The terminals are located close together and passengers can walk between them.

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