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Tour & Travel Packages to Luxembourg

TRAVEL DESTINATION: Luxembourg, Luxemburg
Luxembourg city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Luxembourg city - places to visit in Luxembourg The Casemates du Bock. The Casemates du Bock is a system of underpasses, the first of them was created in 1644, when Luxembourg was under influence of Spain. Time passed and the casemates became 40 m deep and 23 km long. The paths were built with the aim to defend the city, later because of them they started to call the city 'North Gibraltar'. During the Second World War the casemates served as a shelter. In 1933 the underpasses were opened for public, and in 1994 they were put in the UNESCO World Heritage List. So it's not a surprise that this place attracts so many tourists.

Casino Luxembourg. Despite its name Casino Luxembourg is not actually a casino, but a forum of modern art. Various works are exhibited there, and though they are very much different, all of them can be called 'modern art'. In the museum the visitors can enjoy various styles of today. The building itself consists of 12 white rooms and an old ball room. In the museum regularly take place concerts.

The Cathedral. The history of the Luxembourg Cathedral starts in the 17th century,, when it was the Collegiate Church of Ignatians. Later it turned into St Nicolas Parish Church, and then it became the Church of St Theresa. In 1870 Luxembourg became a episcopacy, so the church was changed into the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg. In the first part of the 20th century the cathedral was expanded: appeared new choruses and the cross aisle. The cathedral is first of all famous for its undercroft, where the members of Duke family are buried. There one can also see the monument of Grand Duke Jean.

The Fort van Thungen. Another place of interest in Luxembourg is the Fort van Thungen, the counterwork that takes place in the Dräi Eechelen Park. The complex was built in 1732 and with time some more buildings were added. The erection was called after Baron van Thungen, who was the commandant of the fort. Nowadays only a stone foundation and the towers left. Because of their shape they are called Ɖ acorns'. On the territory of the fort take place 2 museums: the new Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art and the Museum De La Forteresse.

Along Luxembourg flow rivers the Alzette and the Pétrusse. They create a deep valley, due to which the city has different levels. Every part of the city has its own special character. The lower Grund area is known for its historical bridges and a lot of green. And the upper part can offer you a magnificent view on the city. If you like the combination of piece and ancient culture and along with it you are fascinated by the unique charm of the city – Luxembourg is the very place you are looking for!

Read more about Luxembourg in our City Guide ...


Luxembourg Airport Data

Luxembourg Airport, Luxembourg, Po Box 273, L-2012 Luxembourg, LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 47 98-2001, +352 47 98-2006
Fax: +352 47 98-2850, +352 47 98-2850

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