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Tour & Travel Packages to Lugano

TRAVEL DESTINATION: Lugano, Switzerland
Lugano city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Lugano city - places to visit in Lugano Lugano is a neat and cozy city with a clearly defined Italian flavor, its central part abounding in narrow cobblestone streets and passageways with old-style architecture. It is an excellent place to spend your time off and relax. Lugano has an extensive network of restaurants that offer exquisite and diverse dishes. Being a place of attraction for celebrities, Lugano is bound to also have a set of advanced hotels to satisfy customers' most fastidious claims.

For panorama lovers, there is a funicular to get them on top of the San Salvatore Mountain or the Monte Bre Mountain. Both places reveal breath-taking views on the city itself and its beautiful surroundings. From the Monte Bre Mountain, you can see the Lombard region of Italy. A good snack at a mountain restaurant combined with an opportunity to admire the grand city view is a truly unforgettable experience.

Read more about Lugano in our City Guide ...


Lugano Airport Data

Lugano Airport, Switzerland, via Aeroporto, CH-6982 Agno, SWITZERLAND
Tel: +41 (0)91 610 11 11
Fax: +41 (0)91 610 11 00

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