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Tour & Travel Packages to Maastricht

TRAVEL DESTINATION: Maastricht, Netherlands
Maastricht city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Maastricht city - places to visit in Maastricht Vrijhof Square. 'Vrijhof' in Dutch means 'an enclosed place' or 'a court in front of the church'. For Vrijhof Square the second meaning is more suitable. It's situated in front of the Basilica of St Servas and is considered to be the heart of the city. There one can get acquainted with the province of Lamburg as it is. Around the square one can see comfortable restaurants and cafes that can offer various delicious meals and drinks. From Vrijhof Square the tram goes. It makes a 45-minute excursion to the historical center of the city and gives an opportunity to look at the main sights of Maastricht. The tram has the seating capacity for 35 people. By the way, it's the only tram in Maastricht. Besides that, at the square you'll find the theatre, where almost every day take place various performances: opera, cabaret, musicals and dancing shows.

The Church of St Jan. The church appeared on the place of the chapel of the 14th century in front of the Basilica of St Servas. Time passed and it changed its outlook. In 1632 it went to the Dutch Reformative Community. The greatest its element is a 70-meter tower, colored in red. Inside one should look at the choir, the pulpit, created by Pirkens and the organ.

The Dominican Church. The Dominican Church was built in the end of the 13th century. It has gothic architectural style, but one can also notice some romantic elements. In the north part of the church one can see the amazing arch, decorated with the frescos of the 14th century, some of them were created by Thomas Aquinas. They are the oldest frescos in the Netherlands and the oldest works by Thomas Aquinas. The latest 200 years the church is used for different reasons: starting with the concert hall and ending with the terrarium. Nowadays the church has been restored and there takes place the Selexyz Shop.

Market Square. Market Square, along with Vrijhof Square, is one of the most famous squares in the city. The famous Maastricht City Hall is situated there. The square appeared together with the city hall in the 17th century. At the present day at Market Square are situated plenty of cafes and restaurants. Every week on Wednesdays and Fridays market is organized at this place. On Fridays the offer is especially good.

Read more about Maastricht in our City Guide ...


Maastricht Airport Data

Maastricht Airport, Netherlands, Vliegveldweg 90, NL-6199 AD Maastricht Airport, NETHERLANDS
Tel: +31 (0)43 358 99 99, (Managing Director) +31 (0)43 358 98 41, (Airport Ops Mgr) +31 (0)43 358 97 53
Fax: +31 (0)43 358 99 88

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