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Tour & Travel Packages to Liverpool

TRAVEL DESTINATION: Liverpool, Great Britain
Liverpool city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Liverpool city - places to visit in Liverpool The Liverpool Stadium. The home stadium of FC Liverpool is one of the most famous stadiums in the world. Everyday once an hour there are excursions, during which you and another 49 lucky men can visit the cloakrooms, press-halls and walk along the football field. You'd better book the tickets for the excursion in advance, because usually in a week all the tickets are already bought. The museum of the stadium is opened any time, but to buy a ticket for a match is almost impossible.

FC Everton maybe is not so much well-known as FC Liverpool, but the atmosphere on the football ground is not less catching, so it's worth going to a match with FC Everton. Usually at the day of the match there are still some tickets. In any way, the stadium itself, named 'Goodison Park' is a fantastic sport place. Plastic chairs, for example, as many years ago take place on the wooden staircases. More than that, one watch the game just at close quarters, what, actually, is a unique thing.

The Anglican Cathedral. The Anglican Cathedral is the biggest cathedral in Great Britain and fifth largest in the world. Surely it's one of the greatest sights in Liverpool. It's located a little bit aside from the center. From the towers of the cathedral one can enjoy the beautiful view on the city; by the way, getting there is absolutely free.

Mathew Street. In Mathew Street the career of legendary 'The Beatles' started. Nowadays everything there is connected with the Liverpool band. There is the monument of John Lennon, the old Cavern Club, where 'The Beatles' had their first concert, the shop totally devoted to them. Also in Mathew Street takes place The Grapes Pub, where the musicians used to spend time. At present day Mathew Street is a popular place with a great number of bars, clubs and pubs.

St George's Hall. St George's Hall is likely to be the most fascinating place in Liverpool, at least if to speak about the inside decoration. It's situated in Lime Street. They built the Hall in 1838-1854, so it consists of the court room, ball room and concert hall. For a long time it had been restored and opened only in 2007. Admission there is free.

Liverpool is one of the best places for shopping: the trade area there is very compact and manly is a pedestrian zone. The most of the shops are located along Church Street. If you are looking for something special you should necessarily visit the 'Bluecoat Chambers', where you'll find handmade art objects. If you like designer clothes go to Cavern Walks, retro style things, antiques will be found in the Quiggis Centre.

Read more about Liverpool in our City Guide ...


Liverpool Airport Data

Address : Liverpool L24 1YD, England, UK. Telephone : 0870 129 8484 or 0906 108 8484 (flight information). Fax : None. E-mail : Via the airport’s website. Website: Location : The airport is located 13km (8 miles) to the southeast of Liverpool.

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