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Zimbabwe sightseeing. Travel guide - attractions, sights, nature and touristic places

An opportunity to see the legendary Victoria Falls and explore incredibly beautiful places – this is one of the reasons to visit Zimbabwe. You will fall in love with this country if you are interested in ethnic culture, enjoy exploring interesting archaeological sites, and are fond of sports activities. The country is very popular with fans of extreme sports because in Zimbabwe visitors can try rafting and rope jumping from one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.
These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher. …
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Until the 11th century, tribes speaking Khoisan languages inhabited the territory of modern Zimbabwe. Later, the Kingdom of Mutapa emerged in this region. Zvongombe was the capital of the country. It is also important to mention the Kingdom of Zimbabwe and its prominent capital, Great Zimbabwe. The ruins of Great Zimbabwe have survived until our days. The powerful kingdom suffered from a decline in the 16th century and completely stopped existing in the 18th century. Inner tensions within the country made Mutapa an easy target for the Portuguese.
The official period of colonization of Zimbabwe started in 1888. The country became a protectorate of Great Britain together with other neighbor countries. Numerous rebellions and activities against the colonial regime started at the end of the 19th century. For decades, local people tried to become independent but their attempts failed. The colonial system started destroying only after the end of World War II. The country became independent from Great Britain only in 1980. Copyright
These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher. …
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One of the most interesting historic areas in the country lies not far from Fort Victoria. There are ruins of numerous buildings constructed during the Mutapa Kingdom period. Archaeologists discovered more than 400 old buildings, the most notable of which being ruins of gorgeous temples and the acropolis. These are the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe.
Harare is the capital and the most beautiful city in the country. Having visited this city at least once, you will quickly understand why the gorgeous capital of the country is often informally called “the city of flowers”. Thousands of flowers of different shades bloom on the streets and squares of Harare. When trees start blooming too, the capital looks simply incredible. Guests of the country enjoy walking to the top of the Kopje Hill that offers a truly spectacular panorama of the city. While still in the capital, don’t forget to visit Mbare Musika Market that is great for shopping for exotic fruits, souvenirs, healing herbs, and clothing.
These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher. …
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Fans of outdoor activities love Lake Kariba. The size of this gorgeous manmade lake is more than 5,000 square meters. Tourists can participate in interesting excursions to the lake, during which they can admire the beauty of its shores and watch rare birds. The gorgeous lake attracts fishing enthusiasts as well. By the way, there is an annual fishing competition in Lake Kariba. Participants show their skills in catching tiger fish.
Are you fond of unusual excursions? In this case, don’t forget to include a visit to the mysterious Chinhoyi Caves into your vacation. This is a complex and large chain of ancient caves. The length of the biggest cave in the complex is more than 45 meters. The cave is very deep and is partially covered with water. It is possible to participate in not only walking excursions. The underground lake inside the cave has crystal clear water, so it attracts divers who want to explore it. If scuba diving in an underground cave doesn’t sound appealing, you can simply admire the beauty of this place and then make a picnic at one of the nearby picnic areas.
These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher. …
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In Zimbabwe, tourists can visit a truly unique park, the Mutirikwe National Park that is named after Lake Mutirikwe situated in its territory. This park lies in an incredibly beautiful mountain area. It has become home to large populations of antelopes, giraffes, buffalos, and rare white hippos. The national park has a comfortable camping area, so tourists always can stay longer and spend several days in the wild.
Zimbabwe has frequent air connection with London. There are also regular flights from Zambia (Lusaka), Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), South Africa (Johannesburg), and Kenya (Nairobi). The neighboring country of Zambezi has a ferry connection with Zimbabwe using the Zambezi River. Travelers can reach the country by train from such nearby countries as Botswana, South Africa, and Mozambique. Zimbabwe has well-developed bus connection with South Africa – up to 10 buses depart from Johannesburg and head to the capital of Zimbabwe every day. Buses to Harare from Namibia (Windhoek) are less frequent.

Famous and uniques places in Zimbabwe from our review series

Devils Pool

From the series “Most Scary Swiiming Pools”
Some incredibly scary pools were created by nature itself. A great example is the Devil's Pool. It is located at the top of Victoria Falls. This powerful waterfall is the highest in the world. It is very life-threatening to swim in its pools. More than 15 people have died as a result of such seemingly innocent entertainment in recent years. The height of Victoria Falls is 128 meters. It dumps tons of water into the narrow gorge every second.

The water washed out a fairly large natural pool in front of the abyss, into which the waterfall flows. Travelers from all over the world are eager to swim in it and take memorable photos. Swimming at a distance of less than a meter from the edge of the abyss is great entertainment for everyone who loves the thrill. All that separates in this case … Read all

Mana Pools Park

From the series “The Unesco World Heritage Sites in Africa”
Travellers who prefer natural sights can travel to Mana Pools in Zimbabwe. This piece of undeveloped nature lies in the northern part of the country, on the banks of the Zambezi river. Its main peculiar feature is the abundance of marshes, fresh water of which attracts numerous wild animals. Typical inhabitants of the nature reserve are buffaloes and elephants, leopards and cheetahs, as well as the Nile crocodile.

The area of ​​the nature reserve is 219600 hectares. During a dry season it becomes a real rescue for the populations of wild animals. The surrounding rivers dry out completely in the drought, so the animals go to the swampy districts. During excursions through the nature reserve visitors can see rare black rhinos, as well as African elephants and lions. In this area hyena … Read all

Great Zimbabwe

From the series “The Most Mysterious Constructions of the Planet”
In the south of Africa is the unique ruins complex under the general name 'Great Zimbabwe'. Not everyone knows that the African land of the same name was named in honor of this archaeological site. According to the historical data, this area was inhabited several thousand years ago by the Shona tribes. These people have built the numerous buildings whose ruins are so attractive to modern tourists and researchers.

According to the approximate calculations, Great Zimbabwe was founded in the 12th century BC. After the foundation, the city has existed for more than 300 years. The reason why the great city has become empty after a few centuries remains unknown. The main particularity of the ruins is their architectural features. All the buildings in Great Zimbabwe were constructed from the … Read all
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