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Weather in Ruse. Actual conditions and forecast

Week forecast for temperature, rain and cloudiness

Map of wind conditions for Ruse area

Map of Ruse temperature forecast

1. You can zoom in to Ruse using the '+' button, or check temperatures around the globe by the '-' button.
2. Besides this, you can grab the map by your mouse button and move it to see the temperature in other regions.
This temperature map is centered around Ruse. The map is real-time and interactive.

Rain forecast for Ruse area

1. Using the control panel above this map, you can check the rain forecast for Ruse for any period within next 10 days.
2. Via the top control panel, you can check the following weather parameters: Temperature, Cloud cover, Precipitation, Wind and Pressure.
This precipitation forecast map is centered around Ruse. The map is also real-time and interactive.

Climate in Bulgaria and weather forecast - best seasons for visit

Bulgaria is a country with clearly defined seasons. Summer in the country is very dry and hot. Winter is characterized by negative temperatures and snow, while in autumn and spring, there are rains. On the whole, the country is well divided into three main climatic zones. The northern part is dominated by a temperate continental climate, thus creating a situation where the heat in summer and the cold in winter are in fairly comfortable terms. The central part of the country is characterized by a steppe climatic zone. On the Black Sea coast however, the climate is very similar to the main features of the Mediterranean. … Open

Atmosphere of Bulgaria: politics

The President is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the country and is responsible for national unity. His main responsibilities are the appointment or dismissal of the military commanders. He has the right to declare war or truce, and also is the head of the organization on national security. In addition, the President must fix the date of elections and subsequently communicate it to the Bulgarian parliament and the specific local self-government bodies. If the Deputies of the People’s Assembly decided on the need to hold a referendum, it is the President who will choose the date of the event. The main body of legislative power is the Parliament. It has a unicameral structure. In Bulgaria it is called the National Assembly. To date, it includes about 250 members. Each deputy receives this post for a period of 5 years. Elections are held according to a standard proportional system. The classical principles of equal and direct confidential voting are necessarily taken into account during elections. … Open

Sights of Ruse - photogallery

Ruse guide chapters

Ruse sightseeing

Ruse is the biggest Bulgarian port on the Danube River. Nowadays, this is one of the major industrial and cultural centers in the country. Besides that, Ruse is an incredibly attractive area with multiple buildings and dwellings of the nineteenth century. Daily motorboat voyages on the Danube have become a popular pastime in Ruse. Besides its rich architectural heritage, Ruse is globally recognized as a large center … Open

Search for services and sights on Ruse map

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