Fun and festivities in Maldives - celebrations, festivals and cultural events

Maldives is a unique place. It is associated with a paradise vacation for many travelers. There are many beaches in the style of "bounty" here. Many tourists have fallen in love with their romantic beauty forever. Many events, festivals, and holidays are held in the Republic every year. Thousands of guests come to them. Some travelers specifically plan a trip during the most famous festivals, events, and exhibitions. Some of them are quite popular and are presented in typical travel guides. Others are known only to experienced travelers. Local residents are used to celebrate national holidays on a grand scale. Therefore, you can meet both tourists and festively dressed Maldivians on the streets during the celebrations.
This chain of atolls has become an internationally famous resort destination. The Maldives may not be the best place for travelers who want active …
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Many holidays in the Maldives are religious in nature. The Holy Month of Ramadan is one of the most important periods of the year. There is no specific date for it. It is determined using the lunar calendar, as well as other dates in Islam. Some establishments change their opening hours. You should definitely consider this when traveling to the resorts of the Maldives. Ramadan usually does not affect the operation of hotels. It is forbidden to drink, eat, and have fun in the daytime for believers during this period. The end of Ramadan is celebrated with the Eid al-Fitr (Id Al-Fitr) holiday. It is usually celebrated with the family. People eat a lot, visit each other, and donate surplus food to the poor. Eid-ul-Al'h'aa (Feast of Sacrifice) is celebrated on the 10th or 12th day of the last month of the Islamic calendar. It is connected with an event that is similar in the Bible – God ordered Ibrahim to sacrifice his own son. But this was only a test. The man was replaced by an animal. Therefore, the sheep/ram/cow is killed on this day. And it is supposed to give the poor at least a third part of the meat.
Muslims do not celebrate the New Year with the rest of the world. However, all conditions are created in hotels for tourists who came to celebrate the New Year in the Maldives. The Christmas tree is put up and special entertainment programs are arranged there. Muslims celebrate the New Year according to the lunar calendar. It marks the beginning of the historical Hijrah – the Prophet's pilgrimage to Mecca from Medina. Copyright
The Maldives is surrounded by the Indian Ocean. The local marine fauna is one of the richest in the world. This makes fish (mainly tuna) and seafood …
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Independence Day is one of the most important days in the calendar. It is a national holiday. It is celebrated on July 26. It marks the freedom of the Maldives from the protectorate of Britain, which granted independence to the country in 1965. Parades, performances, and celebrations are held on this day. Republic Day is not so significant. But it is also a public holiday. It is also celebrated throughout the country. November 11 marks the day when the Maldives became a Republic for the second time in 1968.
The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (Milad un Nabi) is celebrated in the third month of the Islamic calendar, which has only 354 days. This is why the dates of feasts vary from year to year. Mosques in the capital and across the country are filled with worshippers. Establishments and stores close early. Muslims fast during daylight hours. Offices and government employees end their working day earlier. For the first time, the birthday of the Prophet began to be celebrated in the VIII century. His former home in Mecca was turned into a mosque at this time.
The unique Maldives culture is a mixture of cultures of different peoples who inhabited these Islands or moved to them from other countries. The …
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The day of the advent of Islam in the Maldives is celebrated on the first day of the 4th month of the Islamic calendar. This happened in the XII century. The ruler of the country assumed the title of Sultan at the same time. According to legend, an evil demon came out of the sea. The locals had to sacrifice a virgin to him every month. A traveler from Iran managed to drive him away. It was Yusuf Shamsuddin al-Tabrizi. He became the first preacher of Islam.
The feast of Eid ul Adha marks the end of Hajj in Mecca. Fishermen catch huge fish woven from palm leaves during the celebration. This tradition is based on a pagan legend, according to which a giant fish (Modu) along with ghosts (Maali) came out of the sea. It was caught only with the help of a Holy man. The celebration includes a dance of people dressed as ghosts and called Maali Neshun.
The Maldives is a multinational island state. It is located very close to the equator on more than 1190 islands. Some of them are small coral islands, …
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The Boduberu dance festival is a very significant event. The Bodu Beru dance, or "big drum", is performed by groups of men, including three drummers and a vocalist. Songs mostly tell heroic, romantic or funny stories. Representatives of schools of this dance come to the capital of the state to acquaint tourists with the history of Boduberu and to participate in various competitions for the title of the best performer in the country. You can meet dancers who can give several dance lessons on the streets on weekends (Friday and Saturday). Bodu Beru is East African dance music popular in the Northern atolls.
Thaara is another style of music. Only men perform it. It is of Arabic origin and has a religious character. Traditional festivals devoted to dance, include Bolymalaafat Neshun (performed by women on special cases), Maafate Neshun, Bandia Jeihun, and Kadhaamaali.
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