Preparing your trip to Almaty: advices & hints - things to do and to obey

2. You can talk on absolutely any subject with the citizens as they are very respectful of the opinions of others. You should not talk about work only with your business partners – such communicator may be considered very boring.
3. Local residents are not distinguished by punctuality, so all sorts of delays have already become a habit.
4. During a feast you absolutely should "take care" of the guests sitting next to you – treat them with food, snacks and drinks.
6. In the city you can smoke virtually in all public places. The exceptions are, perhaps, cultural institutions, which also have special areas for smoking.
7. You should be attentive while selecting your clothes. This concerns not only business meetings, but also casual walks around the city. Wearing frank and revealing dresses is not recommended in Almaty. Your clothes should strict. Do not walk in sportswear around the city as this is also a sign of bad taste.
Alma Ata was the capital of Kazakhstan until 1997. This is wonderfully beautiful, hospitable and interesting city. It is also a large scientific and political center. Within latest years the …

9. When to go to someone’s house, bringing gifts is not necessary. However, if you really want to thank hospitable hosts, you can buy small gifts for all family members.
10. In preparation for a feast learning a beautiful toast is far more important than buying an expensive gift. If a guest refuses to say a toast, it can be considered disrespectful.

Preparing your trip to Almaty: advices & hints - things to do and to obey You can re-publish this content with mandatory attribution: direct and active hyperlink to
What to visit being in Almaty - unique sights
From the series “The Highest Mountain Lakes of the Planet”
Check on the map:
Distance from Almaty center - 216.8 km.
Tian Shan mountains conceal many strange secrets. In one of their Talkessel is located Sonkel lake. Its height above sea level forms 3 016 meters. Despite the impressive size, the lake is quite flat, its maximum depth is only 14 meters. The lake is surrounded by the incredibly beautiful meadows that the locals use for pasturing. The wonderful Hochgebirgssee is rich in fish. There are rare species of fish, such as Tibetan char and carp fish. …
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City tours, excursions and tickets in Almaty and surroundings
Kazakhstan: travelling advices

11. Travelers need to be prepared to pay if they wish to visit the famous ski resort of Shymbulak. Prices at this mountain resort are on par with the best ski resorts in Europe.
12. When inviting a woman to visit a restaurant, the inviting person must be ready to pay the bill. An offer to separate the bill will be considered offensive.
13. Travelers need to stock up on not only paper banknotes but also coins. Many public toilets are paid, and no one will search for the change. … Open

Photos of Almaty
Services search (pharmacy, police, parking, banks) on Almaty map