One of the most attractive and frequently visited places in this city is the Archeology Museum, which was opened in 1972. The halls of this museum contain precious finds discovered during excavations in the 18-20th centuries. Previously these priceless exhibitions were stored in Yivli Mosque until the museum offered a dozen of spacious halls for that purpose. Most probably, the most famous architectural building in Antalya is Hidirlik Kulesi. This tower was built during the Roman Empire times. The historians name several theories concerning the building to this tower. Some assume the tower was built for protective purposes, while the others think this is an ancient lighthouse. There is also a giant square shaped stone inside the tower, which makes the historians think the tower could have been used as a burial vault for one of great kings, because this block reminds a tombstone a lot.
Yivli Minaret remains the symbol of Antalya for several centuries already. The height of this Minaret estimates 38 meters. The Minaret was built in the 13th century. It reminds of a magnificent castle diving in rich greenery and flowers. When it comes to talking about the nature, we must mention Karaalioglu Park, which landscapes remind the stories from Arabian fairy tales. Fine aroma from mandarin groves, wonderful sculptures and fountains create an unforgettable romantic atmosphere. This park has quickly become the most beloved place for couples and it remains the best destination for evening walks and solitary rest. Duden waterfall is also among the most famous natural sights of Antalya. This waterfall should be visited by every traveler as the view of water cascade falling down from high rocks looks so magnifying that many visitors spend here hours.
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