Traveling on city neighborhoods you will notice an interesting feature. The further away from the big city people live, the easier and steadier their lives are. Life of indigenous residents is free of unnecessary hassles. Distance from big cities is making it as simple as possible, but no less interesting. For many Indians the main daily-breader is a river that is associated with major human joys and woes.
Among the local population there are sedentary and nomadic tribes of Indians, the latest are much more common. In search of food people have to change their place of residence constantly. In a few months they can travel great distances. It is worth noting that Indians treat foreign travelers with interest; they are easy to get in touch. They are proud of their culture, and curiosity of travelers is the highest praise and an occasion for pride. So, Indians dressed in the traditional attire of straw gladly allow tourist to be photographed. However, you certainly need to thank for that favor.
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