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Airline Tickets from Valencia

TRAVEL GUIDE: Valencia, Spain
Airport Information: Valencia, Spain - Valencia

General Info

Address : Carretera Aeropuerto s/n 46940 Manises/Valencia, Spain
Telephone : 961 598 515 or 902 404 704
Fax : None
E-mail : Via the airport's website
Website : www.aena.es
Location : The airport is located 8km (5 miles) to the west of Valencia.

Information and Customer Care Desks

There are information desks (tel: 902 404 704) centrally located in the terminal building. A tourist information office (tel: 961 530 229) is also available.

Available Facilities and Services

Money and communications: There are ATMs both on the ground floor and the first floor. Quick Change (tel: 961 521 725) offers currency exchange.
Eating and drinking: There are four cafeterias and several restaurants, including Grill & More, which specialises in grilled meat, and Foodlasa Restaurant, which offers fine dining based on Valencian cuisine.
Shopping: There are several shops in the terminal, including Aldeasa, which sells perfume, make-up, clothes and accessories, tobacco, drinks and much more; Atlantica, which offers watches, jewellery and glass gift items; Bahia Center, which sells children's gift items and travel accessories; and Delicatessen, which offers fine foods, wines and pottery products. There is also a pharmacy.
Luggage: Queries regarding lost or damaged luggage should be directed to Iberhandling (tel: 961 598 683), Iberia (tel: 902 341 342) or Newco (tel: 961 598 760), all located on the ground floor of the terminal. A luggage sealing machine is available.
Other facilities: A chapel is located on the third floor. First aid is available on the ground floor (tel: 961 598 544).

Car Parking Info

The airport car park (tel: 961 598 547) is located some distance from the passenger terminal, and a shuttle service takes travellers from the parking lot to the terminal.

Driving by car from/to Valencia

Valencia Airport is located to the west of Valencia, in the municipalities of Manises and Quart de Poblet. National road N-220, which connects with the A-3 and the N-335, leads to the airport.

Public Transportation from/to Valencia

Taxi: Taxis can be picked up in the area just opposite the arrivals hall. Companies serving the airport include Radio Taxi Manises (tel: 961 521 155), Radio Taxi Valencia (tel: 963 703 333) and Telephone Teletaxi (tel: 963 571 313).
Shuttle: The Aero-Bus runs directly between the airport and the city centre every 20 minutes.
Bus: Local bus 150, operated by the metropolitan transport authorities (tel: 963 160 707 or 961 500 082), runs between the airport and the central bus station from 0525-2355. It is not as frequent as the Aero-Bus, and it is not a direct service, but it is cheaper than the shuttle.

Valencia city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Valencia panorama - popular sightseeings in Valencia Valencia, often called the “New Barcelona”, is the third largest city in Spain. It is located in the centre of the Mediterranean coastline. The city has one of the biggest ports in Spain, handling 20% of the country’s exports.

More about Valencia in our City Guide ...


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