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Airline Tickets to Pisa

DESTINATION: Pisa, italy
Pisa city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Pisa panorama - popular sightseeings in Pisa Italian city of Pisa is located north of Siena. The city is known worldwide for its famous freestanding bell tower. In 1990 it was closed for the public because of structural restoration and reconstruction. Near the bell tower, on Piazza dei Miracoli, is situated the fascinating Gothic Cathedral, built in the 11th century. Next to it stand the largest baptistry in Italy - Baptistry of St. John.

Read further about Pisa in our City Guide ...


Pisa Airport Information

Airport Address: Pisa International Airport Galileo Galilei, Società Aeroporto Toscano SPA, 56121 Pisa, Italy
Distance and Location: The airport is located 1.5km (1 mile) north of Pisa
Airport Website: www.pisa-airport.com
Airport E-mail: sat@pisa-airport.com
Airport Telephone: (0)50 849 111
Country Code: 39
Time Zone: GMT+ 1 (GMT+ 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 1

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