Side is a city with rich history. In the past this place was a sanctuary for all sorts of criminals, misfits, pirates and runaway slaves. This is also the former largest slave market in Asia Minor. Nowadays this city has become a large museum under the open sky, which is carefully guarded by the Turkish government.
Side is still surrounded by ancient city walls, however, the main gates have been damaged. All people, who enter Side for the first time, cannot take their eyes off of the main monumental fountain of the city named Nymphaeum. This fountain was built during the times of Emperor Vespasian. The ancient Agora marketplace, which has the shape of a square, is the location of fragments of the altar devoted to the goddess Fortuna. On the perimeter of the square you will find numerous fine galleries and shops. You can also visit the restored old city baths in Side, which now holds the collection of the local museum with artifacts of the Roman period. You will find here amazing sculptures and sarcophagi.
The main attractions of the ancient city are the magnificent amphitheater built in the II century for gladiatorial combats and later used as a church under the open sky, and two temples dedicated to Greek gods Athena and Apollo, which are also located in the bay area.
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