Fans of shopping should remember that the prices on various products in local stores are quite high. Santa Eulalia town is simply the best place to shop for souvenirs. The town is located near the capital. Ibiza is famous for its designer clothes stores that feature a huge range of fashion accessories and club outfits.
Do not forget to take the local currency when you go shopping. Currency can be exchanged in any bank or private exchange office. When going to a market, tourists are recommended to take plenty of money in small denominations as this way it will be easier to pay to sellers.
Buses remain the main mode of transport on the island. Using them tourists can easily get to any part of the island. Bus fares are low, and tickets must be purchased at special kiosks that can be found next to each bus stop. Timetable can also be seen at the stops – there are always special plates on their territory.
Water transport is no less popular, but the cost of travel on boats and cutters is much higher. Water transport will be very convenient for travellers who want to visit different beaches or just make a walk along the coast.
Tourists who want to rent a car will need a driving license of the international standard, as well as a credit card with the required amount of collateral in the account. Drivers whose driving experience is less than a year and people under 21 may be refused to rent a car.
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