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Tour & Travel Packages to Gdansk

Gdansk city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Gdansk city - places to visit in Gdansk Gdansk is the birthplace of the renowned Solidarity movement, which was supposed to promote democratic values in East Europe and eventually led to the end of the Communist rule in 1989.

The war crippled the city beyond recognition. There are very few old houses in the entire city that survived the bombing raids. Only two nice buildings in the Dlugi Tag (Long Market) were reported to have remained intact after the war. Most homes that were razed to the ground during the war were fully rebuilt later.

As of today, Gdansk is a place of attraction for tourists due to its sophisticated architecture, unique geographic location and rich educational potential. The Gdansk University was established in 1970. There are also schools of fine arts, engineering, and medicine.

Read more about Gdansk in our City Guide ...


Gdansk Airport Data

Gdansk Airport, Poland, ul Slowackiego 200, PL-80 298 Gdansk, POLAND
Tel: +48 (0)58 348 11 11, +48 (0)58 348 11 54, +48 (0)58 341 24 55
Fax: +48 (0)58 345 22 83

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