St. Vincent sightseeing. Travel guide - attractions, sights, nature and touristic places

These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher.
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These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher.
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These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher.
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History and Entertainment
The discoverer of the archipelago was Christopher Columbus. His team boarded the island of Saint Vincent in 1498. At the end of the 15th century, the islands were inhabited by the Caribs. They had resisted Spanish colonizers for several years. Only in the middle of the 18th century, the Europeans managed to suppress constant uprisings. In the 17th-18th centuries, France and Great Britain attracted by vast fertile lands fought for the right to control the islands.

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Reference information
Famous and uniques places in St. Vincent from our review series
Villa Stargrov
From the series “Houses of Famous People and Stars Currently Open to Tourists”
Today, all those interested can rent the luxurious villa. A week of the stay costs about 15,000 US Dollars. The villa is characterized by the rather original architecture. It consists of six individual pavilions, which are connected to each other by transitions. The villa is designed in Japanese style. The best designers in the world have worked on their … Read all
Palm Island
From the series “The Most Beautiful Islands on the Planet”
The construction of the first hotel on the island was begun in 1966, by its owner John Coldwell. Even then the unique nature of the island attracted hundreds of travelers. At present there are 20 chic villas at the disposal of the island guests. All villas are built exclusively from eco-materials. On the coast, in the shade of the palm trees, the beautiful … Read all
Mustique Island
From the series “The Most Beautiful Islands on the Planet”
Thanks to its unique location, there are never any strong hurricanes on the island's surface. These favorable conditions have contributed to the planting of the extensive orchards. At the moment, there are only three tiny villages on the isle criterion. Around 800 people live on Mustique. In 1958 the island was bought by the rich Scottish Baron Colin Tennant. He has ensured that the unique ecological system of the tropical island has been … Read all

Sightseeing in popular cities of St. Vincent
The history of Kingstown started when famous explorer Christopher Columbus landed at the coast of the Caribbean Sea in 1498. This event happened on St. Vincent’s Day – January 22. This event gave the name to the island. After this event, the French captured the region and made it a French territory. Kingstown as a city was established in 1763 when the British claimed the island and made it a British colony. They brought slaves to Saint Vincent in order to grow sugarcane. After the … Read more

Festive procession is the main part of the carnival. It takes a year to prepare all fancy costumes for the event. The festival’s schedule includes various musical performances, contests, gastronomic entertainments, and competitions. Visiting local markets is one of the most popular pastimes among tourists. Vacationers are usually interested in popular national delicacies and exotic fruits. Local artisans also bring their works to the markets, so tourists will not have any trouble finding … Read more