Detailed hi-res maps of Portoroz for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Portoroz map are 1916 X 1026 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 282140. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Portoroz by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
The actual dimensions of the Portoroz map are 1564 X 1049 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 353058. You can open, download and print this detailed map of Portoroz by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
City tours, excursions and tickets in Portoroz and surroundings
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Photogallery of Portoroz sightseeing
Our guide chapters over Portoroz
Travel guide to Portoroz
Portoroz has the Slovenia's largest water park, which is called "Laguna Bernardin". It offers visitors a lot of interesting rides and recreation areas; the water park is conditionally divided into two zones. One of them is the place accommodating numerous slides, including quite extreme ones, and the other is designed for those who prefer a relaxing stay. Of course, the pools are equipped with a water heating … Open
Portoroz sightseeing
Portoroz is the most popular Slovenian resort town situated along the Adriatic coast. The chain of hills securely protects this place from cold northern winds, so the climate here is fairly mild. Many compare this resort with the French Riviera resort, because here you will also find a beautiful promenade stretching along the coast, modern hotels and white yachts. The city is especially popular among the tourists … Open