Lebanon sightseeing. Travel guide - attractions, sights, nature and touristic places

These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher.
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These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher.
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History and Entertainment
Despite its tiny area, Lebanon has a lot of unique features. In the country, there is the oldest city on the planet, Byblos, that was found over 7 000 years ago. Already in the prehistoric period, the territory of the country was populated by the advanced civilization, the representatives of which created the first alphabet in the history of mankind. Exactly here, people started to melt glass for the first time and created purple paint, the unique composition of which has been a mystery to scientists for many years.
These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher.
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These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher.
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Reference information
National and city parks of Lebanon
♥ National Park 'Mashgara' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Qaraoun Lake' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Mashgara' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Qaraoun Lake' . On the map

Castles of Lebanon
♥ Castle 'Moussa Castle' . On the map
♥ Castle 'Mseilha Fort' . On the map
♥ Castle 'Saint Louis Castle' . On the map
♥ Castle 'Sidon Sea Castle' . On the map
♥ Castle 'Smar Jbeil' . On the map
♥ Castle 'Moussa Castle' . On the map

♥ Castle 'Mseilha Fort' . On the map

♥ Castle 'Saint Louis Castle' . On the map

♥ Castle 'Sidon Sea Castle' . On the map

♥ Castle 'Smar Jbeil' . On the map

Palaces in Lebanon
♥ Palace 'Petit Serail' . On the map
♥ Palace 'Pine Palace' . On the map
♥ Palace 'Robert Mouawad Palace' . On the map
♥ Palace 'Sursock Palace' . On the map
♥ Palace 'Ziade Palace' . On the map
♥ Palace 'Petit Serail' . On the map

♥ Palace 'Pine Palace' . On the map

♥ Palace 'Robert Mouawad Palace' . On the map

♥ Palace 'Sursock Palace' . On the map

♥ Palace 'Ziade Palace' . On the map

Famous and uniques places in Lebanon from our review series
From the series “Remains of the First Ancient Cities”
The inhabitants of Byblos formed a unique written language already in the Second Millennium BC. Scientists have not been able to decipher it to this day. It is completely unlike any of the known ancient forms of writing. It is noteworthy that the … Read all
From the series “15 Historical Monuments, with Riddles not yet Solved”
It is made from huge megalithic blocks that weight from 300 to 800 tones. We still don’t know how people could move and set huge rough block of stone up. Here and now it is a great mystery. Stone blocks not even … Read all
Casa Brutale
From the series “Elegant Architectural Structures for Fans of Skywalks”
The villa is literally built into the rock, so it will replace a part of the walls. It's planned to build a house of environmentally friendly materials, including wood, metal and concrete. One of the main features of the villa is a panoramic window, which will replace the outer wall, … Read all

Sightseeing in popular cities of Lebanon
Among those fond of history in Beirut, Archaeological Park is very popular. In the second half of the 20th century during the Civil War this district was in ruins, and shortly after the situation has stabilized, the researchers were able to detect traces of ancient civilizations. Today, the archaeological park has an informal name - "Park of forgiveness." In addition to the oldest historical sites in this park you can see many more symbolic attractions. For example, there is an olive tree … Read more

According to local beliefs, El, the Sun God, was the founder of the city. He surrounded the settlement with a wall. First mentions of Byblos date back to 4,000 BC. When ancient Greece and the Roman Empire were not founded yet, Byblos-Jbeil was one of the most powerful cities in the world, an independent place with its own king, culture, and developing commerce. The first alphabet and then writing initially appeared in this part of the world. In 3,000 BC, Byblos started trading with ancient … Read more