Photogallery of Arhus, Denmark
Denmark .The ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum. The name ARoS is the Old Danish name of the city Aarhus, while the capitalized letters of the name hint at the Latin word for art, namely ars. 2012 S 1083 Århus1_33 by Morton1905 @flickr
Top sigths of Denmark
The town of Roskilde is the location of a wonderful cathedral that was built 9 centuries ago. The cathedral was traditionally used to bury members of the royal family, so currently 20 royal families have been buried there, including the Russian czarina Maria Feodorovna. There is also a museum dedicated to Viking ships in Roskilde. This museum is a great way to learn more about first conquerors and settlers of Denmark. Another magnificent open air museum is located on the Fyn Island. This small island is completely covered with dense forests that hide over a hundred of small villages and medieval castles. Finally, the Mon Island is a place of wondrous nature and is also very popular with travellers. … OpenChapters of the guide to Arhus
Advices for travellers
12. A major railway station is located here in the city. High-speed trains regularly depart from here to many major cities in Denmark. By the same trains, you can also get to the picturesque surrounding areas of the city. 13. The most interesting holidays and festivals take place in Aarhus in summer and autumn. This is a great period for fans of event tourism. Some interesting entertainment programs are also … Open
Shopping, streets and outlets
One of the largest souvenir shops in Aarhus is Brugtvare Terminalen. It would take several hours to explore all of its show-windows. Here you can buy literally everything, from traditional clothing to romantic porcelain figurines and cheap trinkets. Customers should pay special attention to glass crafts, while beer and ale mugs with local symbols are among the favorite souvenirs among men. They sell original funny … Open
Arhus for children - what to visit
Another picturesque place perfect for walks in the fresh air is Botanical Garden and the Greenhouses. You can spend all day exploring this botanical garden that was founded many years ago. Its visitors will be offered a fascinating tour, during which they can walk around covered greenhouses, admire rare plants and tropical butterflies, and even have lunch at a cozy cafe. A vast open area with a beautiful duck pond … Open
Travel guide to Arhus
A beautiful historic building dating back to 1857 houses the Women's Museum. Its exposition is dedicated to all spheres of life of Danish women. Here you can see household items used by women hundreds of years ago, beautiful national costumes, and jewelry. The museum also displays collections of modern exhibits: many famous Danish women artists and representatives of other spheres of culture present their works … Open
Traditions and mentality of Arhus
Locals are distinguished by friendliness and politeness, they are always happy to chat about things with foreign guests. However, having a conversation, it is not customary to cross the line: touch on issues of personal life, politics, and national identity. Tourists who know some simple phrases in the mother tongue of citizens are treated with special respect. Greetings and thanks pronounced in Danish will be … Open
Cuisine and top restaurants
VinDanmark Bar is a good place to relax in a casual atmosphere. This bar has gained popularity thanks to its rich collection of wines - here you can taste wines brought from all over the world. The choice of original dishes and snacks is equally broad, and traditional Danish sandwiches are among them. In the warm season, some of the bar tables are set up on its outdoor terrace offering panoramic views of the port. … Open