Cum Laude Café Bilbao is a cozy restaurant that is known as one of the most beloved dining facilities among both local residents and tourists. The small hall of the restaurant is divided from the kitchen only by a transparent wall, so guests can see how chefs prepare the dishes they have ordered. In the morning Cum Laude Café Bilbao is always full of visitors, which are attracted by the scent of fresh French pastries and coffee. The restaurant named Tapelia offers its visitors to try the best and most popular dishes from the Spanish cuisine. Quite a notable fact - all traditional dishes are prepared in accordance with original signature recipes by the local chefs, so these dishes never cease to amaze visitors by their unusual and unforgettable taste. The restaurant’s menu contains at least ten kinds of paella, a huge selection of fish dishes and various delicacies, so visitors will be surely not disappointed.
Beltz The Black should be definitely mentioned among the most prestigious restaurants of the city. The restaurant is easily distinguished not only by the rich choice of national dishes, but also by a stylish decoration of its hall. The restaurant’s interior is made in black and white, even the food here is served on black and white plates. In high floor vases you will are always find magnificent bouquets of white lilies, but white curtains remain the most important decoration of the restaurant’s hall. Besides traditional dishes the restaurant’s menu is full of signature dishes that will surely delight the hotel’s visitors. Many of the dishes offered are exotic delicacies. La Ría is a modern restaurant that can accept as many as 250 visitors at a time. Its spacious halls are simply perfect for special occasions. The restaurant also specializes in cooking dishes from the Spanish cuisine, but it never ceases to amaze guests by its signature food masterpieces. Many connoisseurs of cuisine call La Ría the most outstanding restaurant in Bilbao that is notable for its innovative cuisine.
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