The former fishing village Donostia-San Sebastian is nowadays a famous resort in the Basque country. During its history this place has been repeatedly subjected to conquest. During the two centuries the city burned down six times. San-Sebastian’s development started in 1200, when the city fell under the power of the Castilian crown. However, the constant siege of the enemy ruined the city’s economy. Another period of prosperity of San Sebastian falls to the XIX century, when the regent queen Maria Christina chose this city for her summer holidays. This period has become the new starting point for the city and San Sebastian becomes a significant area for tourism business development.
The old town is represented by a set of winding streets, on which you will find cozy cafés, restaurants and bars. The central library of the city is located on the main square of San Sebastian. You will also find here a funicular, which leads to the top of Igeldo Mount, where is located the attraction park. The mountain features a magnificent view of the city, which is situated on the bank of the Urumea River. Architectural buildings of San Sebastian are mostly built in the baroque style. Tourists are also recommended to attend Miramar Palace designed by English architect Selden Wornum. The palace features wonderful views of the bay.
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