In many culinary places meals can be purchased for take-out, in this case the cost will be 10-20% lower. It is recommended to go to one of local supermarkets for buying grocery. The closer to the center the store is located, the higher the price of goods would be.
Women who are accustomed to wearing shoes with heels should definitely take a pair of comfortable shoes of sports type to the trip. The fact is that the majority of pedestrian paths and sidewalks in the city are lined with small tiles; it is very uncomfortable to walk along such roads on high heels.
Going on vacation to the country, it’s better to clarify local rules in advance. Picnic is possible in the strictly defined part of the territory; a large fine is collected in case of pitching a tent in illegal places.
Heavy fines are also collected for leaving rubbish in the wrong place. It can only be disposed in special boxes that can be seen literally everywhere.
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