The castle had great a strategic importance, and it even played a crucial role in the Battle of Grunwald. The fortress remained impenetrable until the 17th century. Steadily it lost its importance, and in 1655 the castle was almost entirely destroyed by the Russian army. Only several elements of the beautiful building have survived till our days - the tower and a part of the fortification wall. Most of excursion sites are located in the historic district of Kaunas. Do not forget to include a visit to the local town hall in your cultural program. The town hall was built in the 16th century, but it is still open to public.
The House of Perkunas is located nearby. This is a beautiful red-brick building of an unusual architectural form. Originally the house belonged to a merchant cooperative. This part of the city is the location of very important religious landmarks - the Church of the Holy Trinity and Vytautas Cathedral located near the church. These buildings were built in the 15th century and are internationally renowned as beautiful monuments of the Gothic style. Modern districts of Kaunas are also very interesting if taken into consideration their attraction in terms of the number of sights. Zaliakalnis Quarter is especially popular with holidaymakers. Buildings of the early 20th century can be seen right at every step here. Tourists will also be amazed by variety of architectural styles found in this part of the city.
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