Wolfsburg is a city located in Germany, in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), on Mittellandkanal that is south to the old riverbed of the Aller River.
The population of the city estimated 121 thousand of people in 2010. This makes Wolfsburg one of the largest cities in Germany.
Wolfsburg is referred to those cities that have been founded in the beginning of the 20th century. The city’s birthday is considered July 1, 1983. Until the end of the World War II this city was known under another name - Stadt des KdF Wagens bei Fallersleben and was used as a living zone for people working on Volkswagen automobile concern. At that time the main aim of the concern was to make as many famous “Beetle” cars as possible. These cars started a real revolution in car manufacturing, making vehicles affordable to not only rich people, but also to middle class workers.
The city is also known as the base of the local football club Wolfsburg and a hockey club “Grizzly Adams Wolfsburg”.
Wolfsburg is also famous by its Auto City – a museum-like exhibition that was built in 2000. Here you can also visit “House of Time” museum that shows an exposition from 80 cars of the famous concern. Moreover, you can see the products as well as newest developments of VW and other manufacturers that are included into the concern. These are vehicles manufactured under the brands Skoda, Audi, Lamborghini, and Bentley. All cars are exhibited in two huge “auto cylinders” made of glass. The cylinders are 42 meters high. Visitors of Auto City can also see amazing attractions and “stunt man” tricks made on Volkswagen automobiles. Finally, you can make a walk on an amazing park with fountains, channels and man-made hills. By the way, if you get a desire to get a new vehicle, you can also do it here.
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