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Airline Tickets from Paphos

TRAVEL GUIDE: Paphos, Cyprus
Airport Information: Paphos, Cyprus - International

General Info

Address : Paphos 8320, Cyprus
Telephone : 2624 0506
Fax : 2624 0531
E-mail : None
Website : None
Location : The airport is located 15km (9.5 miles) east of Paphos.

Information and Customer Care Desks

A tourist help desk is located in the terminal building.

Available Facilities and Services

Money and communications: A Bank of Cyprus branch, foreign exchange, ATMs, post boxes and public card and coin telephones are available.
Eating and drinking: There is a cafeteria in the terminal building. There is also a bar on a terrace outside that offers great views of planes landing and taking off.
Shopping: In addition to the duty- free store, there are news stands and a souvenir shop at the airport.
Luggage: For queries about lost luggage, contact the airline.
Other facilities: The airport has a first aid room. A baby care room is also available.

Car Parking Info

There are 150 short-term parking spaces at the airport. In addition, there is a new car park (tel: 9986 7382) offering long-term parking with 24-hour security and free shuttle to the airport (journey time - 5 minutes).

Driving by car from/to Paphos

From Paphos take the B6 to the southeast and turn onto the E603 after about 12km (7.5 miles) and follow the signs to the airport.

Public Transportation from/to Paphos

Bus: There are regular bus services from early morning until evening between central Paphos and the bus area outside the terminal. Bus connections to various destinations in the region and also to other parts of Cyprus are available from the bus terminal in Paphos. Taxi: Taxis are available from the taxi rank outside the terminal building.

Paphos city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Paphos panorama - popular sightseeings in Paphos The town in listed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. But get ready to see ugly ruins (that are anyway worth of seeing) in combination with not very successful modern buildings. There are lots of beaches meant for using but not for admiring nature and, of course, water sports are also available here.

More about Paphos in our City Guide ...


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