Before going to Kemer, tourists are recommended to get some information about culture and traditions of local people. Travellers should follow some specific rules of behavior. Otherwise, there is a risk that tourists will offend locals and disturb the existing centuries old traditions. First of all, do not show any sign of disrespect to the culture and traditions of local people. Do not criticize their history and lifestyle. Local people have great respect for their history and culture, so any uncomplimentary remark on these subjects may become the reason for offense.
A large number of religious objects is one of the main features of Kemer. Excursions to these sights are usually included in tour programs. When you plan to visit a mosque, make sure you have chosen the right clothes. Women should take a shawl in order to cover the head before entering the mosque. People, who wear shorts or short skirts, as well as clothes with short sleeves or revealing clothes, are not allowed to enter the territory of religious objects. Travellers, who ignore these rules, may be simply not allowed to enter the territory of a mosque.
Do not forget to take off your shoes in front of a mosque or someone’s house. If the place is crowded, visitors are allowed to put their shoes in a bag and take the shoes inside. As a rule, travelers want to make memorable photos and videos, but in this case you should also consider several important rules. Taking photos or making videos of locals is possible only after you receive their permission. It is prohibited to make pictures of women dressed in long black robes.
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