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Tour & Travel Packages to Toulouse

Toulouse city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Toulouse city - places to visit in Toulouse Traces of the region's cultural heritage are literally omnipresent in Toulouse. Its streets abound in sixteenth-century gothic and Roman temples, old hotels, and museums. There you can also find numerous archaeological sites.

Today, the city's population counts 500,000 people, many of which are involved in the aeronautical industry. The city has gained renown due to the Cite de l'Espace, as it attracts more and more people every year. Toulouse is often referred to as a 'sky tourism center'. Being a major educational center, Toulouse has the second largest percentage of students in France after Paris. No wonder, it takes a great number of clubs to keep so many young people entertained during night hours!

The abundance of greenery in gardens, squares and parks, keeps the city's air clean and makes the city itself more livable and attractive. Toulouse has a lot of sunshine, its annual amount averaging 2,000 hours. You can take a slow walk along the River Garonne, hire a bike and ride along the Canal du Midi, or drop in at a restaurant for a good snack, and this is going to be an unforgettable experience.

Read more about Toulouse in our City Guide ...


Toulouse Airport Data

Airport Address: Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, BP 90 103, 31703 Blagnac Cédex, France
Distance and Location: The airport is located 8km (5 miles) northwest of Toulouse
Airport Website:
Airport E-mail:
Airport Telephone: (0)5 6142 4400
Country Code: 33
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 1

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