Colors of Tobago Island - traditions, festivals, mentality and lifestyle

The first thing that should be mentioned, is that, despite some stereotypes, Tobago does not depend on tourism. GDP here is one of the highest among Central and South America’s countries. The country’s incomes come from oil and gas production. That is why in many aspects Tobago reminds of a European country, but at the same time, everything looks like the territory of Latin America. So the locals are friendly towards the tourists, and to each other, but do not pay extra attention to them, as it happens in the places, where the travelers bring in much revenue.
Most of Tobago’s landmarks go back to the Colonial times: it was ruled by the Spanish, the French, but the main impact was made by the British, who ruled here for a long time. However, …
If you don’t live to the “a client is always right” principle and just follow the calm local rhythm of life, you will have a great pleasure from your holiday on the island. The most important thing is not to hurry. The Islanders even have a special word, describing this pleasant indolence – “liming”. This is not a certain action, but a whole range of entertainments and a part of the mindset. There is no rush here at all. Social events, observing the nature, sport games – the locals are sure there should always be time for those things.
The islanders like the holidays. In general, people in Tobago try to have as much fun as possible, even in difficult life situations. The carnivals they have in Tobago are among the biggest in the world, where people of all ages participate. An interesting thing is that although there are a lot of religions on the island and not a dominant one, it is common here to celebrate all the major holidays of all the religions, despite your own. Christmas and Easter are celebrated by Christians, Muslims, and African-based cult Orisha. However, this multi-religiousness lead to a high level of tolerance, and everyone here can believe in whatever they want. Copyright
One of the main reasons, why Tobago is interesting to travelers is because it has perfect conditions for divers. You can dive here all year round, but remember that visibility is worse …
If you speak to a local person in English, be sure, he will understand you. But that doesn’t mean you will understand him. Though the language of the United Kingdom is official in Tobago, it adopted a lot of borrowings from Spanish, French, Creole, and other languages, so many words and concepts will remain a mystery to you. However, it does not prevent you from discussing day-to-day issues with the locals. Unlike many countries in Latin America, it is quite safe here. Though, there are some drunk and stoned people on the streets in the evening, so it is better not to start any conflicts.
The main valuable thing for many local people is family. It reflects not only in close bonding between even distant relatives and joint celebrations of different events, but also in young people’s dependence on what their parents think. Matchmaking is still popular here, and the wedding won’t happen without a father’s blessing. Young people live with their parents until they get married and never move. In rural areas it is common to help the new weds with the house building, even if they decided to move. They raise children quite strictly, teaching them to bring good to the society. Even the distant relatives take part in the upbringing of children.
A choice of beautiful beaches and bays on the island is just huge, and many of them are among the best in the Caribbean. A decent selection of attractive beaches is represented in close …
Remember, it is not common in Tobago to wear a swimsuit anywhere else outside the beach. Note that beach clothes also include shorts and tops. Topless or naked sunbathing is allowed only in specific areas. You won’t be allowed in any big restaurant without an evening gown. It is common on the island to be maximally polite, but imposition will be accepted negatively.
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